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Poway Cruisers Fall 2018 Poker Run / Casino Crawl / Reliability Run, Saturday, 9/29/18

What a wonderful day for a drive! Just a little warm, lots of beautiful sky, Slight breeze, good roads, light traffic, and no rain!

We started the day as planned in the In-N-Out Burger / Kohls parking lot on Scripps Poway Parkway at a little before 8:00 AM. By the time we arrived there were already more than a half dozen cars parked and waiting. By the time the departure point rolled around we had 24 cars loaded with 52 Cruisers and friends ready to run.

The first leg, and the longest at 30 miles was to the Jamul Casino on Campo Road in Jamul. The drive went without any issues and we arrived right on schedule. The Jamul parking guys had a spot in their VIP Parking Area all set up for us, and even helped everyone park. We set up the dealer quickly, got everyone to draw their first card, purchased chances for a 50/50 OD, and then took the short walk to the casino. We played for about 30 minutes, then loaded up for the next leg of the journey.

The second leg took us to Sycuan Casino in El Cajon, only a 14 mile jaunt. The Sycuan parking staff had an area on the 4th floor of the parking structure set aside for us. We repeated the process for dealing the 2nd card, then spent the rest of the hour playing in the casino.

The third leg took us to Viejas Casino in Alpine. The Viejas parking guru had us setup in Lot H, a small lot adjacent to the hotel and parking structure. We dealt the 3rd card, then hit the Viejas Buffet for lunch hosted by the casino. Great buffet, and a great time. We spent a little over an hour and a half here before heading off on the fourth leg of the drive to Barona Casino.

The fourth leg took us through Lakeside and up the Wild Cat Canyon Road to the Barona Casino. The parking guys at Barona had set aside an really nice area in the Diamond Lot, in the shade of the parking structure. By this time, around 2:30 PM it was getting a little warm, so the shade was perfect. We dealt the 4th card, then took in the sights and sounds of the casino, and of course left them a small cash deposit. By 4:00 PM we were headed for Poway.

The fifth and final leg of the run took us back to Poway and the overflow parking lot next to the Hamburger Factory. We got parked easily as we beat the Saturday evening crowd by about 30 minutes. We dealt the 5th hand and determined who had the high hands. Denise Payne had the high women’s hand, Walter Borra had the high men’s hand, and Evert Shackelton had the overall lowest hand. High hands each took away $236, and the low had took home $53. The 50/50 OD of $105 went to Bob Wright. The final prize, an original graphic by Vice Ciccia went to Chuck Bush in a random drawing.

After all the loot was distributed, around 28 participants sat down together for a no host dinner at the Hamburger Factory, putting a final touch on a really enjoyable day. Once again, we proved that the Poway Cruisers do bring the fun!

Reported by: George Cowman, President, Poway Cruisers Car Club