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Event Report: Poway Cruisers at the In-N-Out Burger 5/5/18

What a beautiful day for a cruise in! Bright warm sun, a light breeze, and a whole bunch of great looking and sounding hotrods all in one place. We counted 81 cars in attendance, with 57 actually signed in. Favorite of the Show Awards went to: Kathy Shedd’s 1016 Corvette, Earl Asbury’s ’65 Corvair, and Chris Montoya’s ’68 Chevy C-10. Click on the link below to see the video of the show recorded by Bob Jacoby. The 50/50 pot of $385 added $192 to the club, $193 to the winner, who donated $60 back to the club.

Stay tuned for the June show!

Reported by:
Ed VanLaningham with assistance from George Cowman