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Poway Cruisers at the Hamburger Factory Cruise In June 28, 2017

What a wonderful late afternoon for a cruise in! Warm, but not too warm, nice breeze, lots of really nice cars and trucks, and a whole bunch of really nice people. For the 3rd Hamburger Factory Cruise In of 2017, we had 28 cars on display, with at least 50 participants and a bunch of spectators taking in the view. As planned, the Hamburger Factory provided some goodies to give a way, and staff to cruise the show and pick a favorite. Prizes for the evening went to Paul Rancour for bringing his ’97 Dodge Ram Pickup, and the Hamburger Staff (Danial) selected Chuck Kramer’s ’33 Chevy Coupe as Favorite of the Show. The 50/50 winner was Kristy & Jerry Keller out of Ramona, who drove down in their ’08 Dodge Viper ACR.

Reported by: George Cowman
President & Events Coordinator
Poway Cruisers Car Club

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