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April 2016 Hamburger Factory Cruise Nite

We had a very nice turnout for the 2nd Hamburger Factory Cruiser In last Wednesday evening,  It was a cool and beautiful Wednesday evening, We had 26 participants register for the show, but I counted 33 cars making an appearance. The Slow Lane Familia Car Club made a showing adding to the diversity of the show.

Once again the Hamburger Factory provided a couple of meal vouchers and clothing gear for giveaways. The Hamburger Factory staff (Audrey) toured the show and selected a beautiful ’56 Thunderbird belonging to Poway Cruiser Mark Cedrun as the Favorite of the Show. Poway Cruiser Bill Haselton had the magic ticket and took home the 50/50 OD.

Turned out to be a fun evening for everyone. Some pictures of the show will be on the website shortly. Next show is May 25th, same time same place. See you all there!

George Cowman
Events Coordinator
Poway Cruisers Car Club

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