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Club Guidelines

  1. CLUB NAME                                Updated 6/17/2021

The Organization will be known as the Poway Cruisers Car Club.


The objective is to promote the automotive hobby and fellowship amongst its members.


  1. The colors are black, silver or white, and red.
  2. The emblem consists of a white or silver shield border that includes a red coupe on a section of historic Highway 395, with the silver silhouette of the Twin Peaks in the back ground.
  3. Club shirts are black, white, or red with the club emblem on the left breast, and optionally on the back.
  4. Club jackets are black, or black and white, with the club emblem on the left breast and the member’s first name on the right breast, with the club emblem on the back. No specific jacket design is specified but all jackets are subject to club approval.


To become a member the individual must submit a New Members Application to any member of the Executive Committee or the Membership Chair.

A member is defined as the individual. Each member carries one (1) vote.

Membership will be confirmed annually during the months of May through June through a dues reminder email sent to each member by the club Membership Chair.  For members that do not use email, direct postal mail will be used. Confirmation of continued membership is signified by paying the annual dues.

A member may ask to be dropped from membership at any time without prejudice. 


Membership dues are as follows:

An annual fee of $20.00 per individual, payable between May 1st and July 31st

In addition, to further fund club operations a 50/50 Opportunity Drawing is conducted at each monthly member meeting. Members attending can participate, at their discretion. Participation is optional.



The elected officers are known as the Steering Committee. The officers are President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and 7 Directors.  All officers must be members.

The Executive Committee is comprised of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The 7 Directors are the Board of Directors.


The Steering Committee will appoint an Event Coordinator, Webmaster, Social Media Master, Merchandise Chair, and a Membership Chair from its membership or a member at large.

The Steering Committee will appoint an Elections Committee annually in September to include at least one member from the Executive Committee, One member from the Steering Committee and at least one member from the general membership.


  1. Candidates for club officers will be by nomination of active members by active members with at least one (1) year of active club membership..
  2. Nominations will be held in October at the October Members Meeting.
  3. Election will take place in November at the November Members Meeting.
  4. Nominated candidates must accept the nomination in person or by email before being placed on the ballot.
  5. Voting will be by secret ballot by all members present at the November members meeting.
  6. The Election Committee will tabulate the results and announce the results at the November Members Meeting.
  7. Officers to be installed at the first Steering Committee meeting in January.
  8. Officer positions on the ballot will read as follows: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Director (as many as are vacant up to 7).
  9. President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer will serve for one (1) year, Directors for Two (2) years. There are no term limits.

If any elected member of the Steering Committee cannot complete their term, the Executive Committee will appoint a member at large to fill the position for the remainder of the calendar year. The appointed member is automatically nominated to fill the open position and will be placed on the Annual Elections of Officers Ballot in November. If elected, the term will be the remaining term of the member replaced.


President:  Presides over the meetings in accordance with the guidelines and represents the club at all club related functions. Represents the club at the monthly San Diego Association of Car Clubs (SDAoCC) meetings, and reports matters of interest from the SDAoCC meetings to the club.

Vice President:       Assumes all presidential responsibilities in the President’s absence. Supports the President at meetings and represents the club.

Secretary:      Records and maintains minutes of all meetings, maintains current guidelines, compiles and distributes meeting agendas, and other duties as determined by the Steering Committee.

Treasurer:   Manages all club monies and maintains proper records The Treasurer and President are authorized to sign checks, with only one signature required.

Steering Committee: Provides general guidance and leadership of club operations, functions, and funds management. On a rotational basis, each steering committee member will accompany the club President to the monthly meeting of the San Diego Association of Car Clubs and report items of interest to the members.

Event Coordinator:  Maintains the Club Activities Calendar, and provides coordination as required for club and club participation events.  Presents updates to the Activities calendar at each members meeting. 

Web Master:  Maintains the Club website (

Social Media Master:  Maintains the Club Facebook account, reviewing all posts for appropriate content.

Merchandise Chair:  Maintains inventory and processes special orders of Club approved merchandise, including apparel and special order items.

Membership Chair:  Processes all membership applications, maintains a master membership roster, and collects membership dues. Distributes a membership dues notice to all members annually between May1 and May 31.

Elections Committee: Processes nominations, prepares ballots, collects ballots, counts ballots, and reports the results to the membership.


Steering Committee:

Meetings will be held the second Tuesday of the month.  The agenda will include but not be limited to:  Call to Order, Review of attended events since last meeting, review of status and plan for coming events for the next 3 months, funds report, ah hoc items , time/location of the next Steering Committee and Members meetings, adjournment.

Members Meeting

Meetings will be held the third Thursday of each month.  The agenda will include but not be limited to:  Call to Order, visitor introduction, Review of attended events since last meeting, reminder of coming events for at least the next 3 months, funds report, ah hoc items, time/location of the next meeting, adjournment.


A member may submit a written grievance against a member for conduct unbecoming a member of the club to the Steering Committee. The grievance will be reviewed by the Steering Committee and if substantiated the member will be censured but not dismissed.  If a second grievance is submitted and substantiated by the Steering Committee, the individual’s membership will be terminated.


There are three (3) types of club functions (events):

Members Only Events:

These are events restricted to club members and immediate family, invited guests, and include such events as the Members Picnic, and the Holiday Dinner Party.

Club Sponsored Events:

These are events produced by club members open to the general public and members of other automotive clubs.  This includes the In-N-Out Burger Cruise In, casino crawls and poker runs, Spirit of the Fourth Wheels of Freedom Motor Show, Poway Heritage Day Parade, and others.

Club Participation Events:

These are events produced by other clubs or entities that the Steering Committee has designated for coordinated club participation.  An event Wagon Master can be designated and participants will usually meet at a predetermined place and time away from the event so as to arrive at the event together.


All club funds are discretionary and available to the Steering Committee for expenditures for Club business that may arise. Expenses are to be approved by the Steering Committee at its monthly meeting prior to incurring the expense.

Approval of unplanned expenditure can be obtained between Steering Committee meetings through email polling of the Steering Committee. The request for funds must be submitted to the President who will conduct the email poll. To be approved 100% of the Steering Committee must be contacted.  A simple majority of the Steering Committee is required for approval of the expenditure.

Changes to Guidelines:

The Steering Committee will appoint annually a Rules Committee of at least 3 Steering Committee members to consider changes and additions to the club guidelines.  Changes or additions to the Guidelines will be submitted by the Rules Committee for Steering Committee review and acceptance. Once accepted by the Steering Committee the changes will be presented to the membership for approval. Voting will take place at a regularly scheduled members meeting. Approval requires a simple majority of the votes cast at the meeting. Approved changes will be effective when specified by the Steering Committee.

Submitted for Steering Committee Review:      6/14/2021                        

1st revision of the Guidelines was submitted to the membership and approved on 11/17/2010.

2nd revision of the Guidelines was submitted to the membership and approved on 6/17/2021.